Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy is performed in a psychiatric office, under the supervision of Dr. Deirmenjian, using a medical device called the NeuroStar TMS Therapy system. The typical initial treatment course consists of at least 5 treatments per week over a 7 week period, for an average of 36 total treatments. Each treatment session lasts approximately 17-37 minutes.
Dr. Deirmenjian believes that each patient is unique and offers a comprehensive approach in his treatment. His care of patients is customized to meet each individual’s needs. Realizing that all patients respond differently to treatment, he tailors their care based on a variety of treatment options. Consequently, his multi-modal approach promotes a healthy lifestyle incorporating psychotherapy, diet and exercise, TMS therapy, and medication management. Dr. Deirmenjian integrates all aspects of positive mental health in his approach to patients by coordinating their care with psychotherapists, dieticians, primary care providers, and other medical professionals. His staff is highly-trained and puts the patient first while providing one-on-one nursing care. Dr. Deirmenjian is the first psychiatrist in Beverly Hills to offer the cutting-edge approach to the treatment of depression: TMS therapy, which was recently chosen by CNN as being one of the top ten health innovations of 2009.
To set up a thorough new patient evaluation with Dr. Deirmenjian or one of our other clinicians or for more information on TMS, please complete the form below and we will contact you.