Many people with debilitating mental health conditions seek out TMS therapy because they have not achieved relief with standard medication. Oftentimes, standard medication treatments do not provide symptomatic relief, which can seriously compromise the quality of a person’s life. For patients looking for alternative treatments for major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or MDD with anxious depression, we recommend NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy. NeuroStar TMS Therapy is a non-invasive treatment without medication that we offer to qualifying patients at our clinic.

People often approach us with the question: Do NeuroStar treatments hurt? For more information about whether there is any discomfort associated with NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy and to discover if this treatment is right for you, schedule a consultation with one of our clinicians.

What Is NeuroStar TMS Therapy?

Transcranial electromagnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive treatment that does not require medication designed to improve brain activity.

Oftentimes, depressed brain activity is seen in certain areas of the brain in patients with MDD, OCD, or anxious depression. TMS aims to stimulate these areas with targeted electromagnetic waves. This technology, which is similar to MRI technology, is safe and FDA-cleared.

Each treatment session of NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy takes 20 minutes. During a session, our team gently taps the device on your head in specific places. As the device makes contact, it emits electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves stimulate your brain by exciting the neurons, increasing your brain activity in a safe and controlled manner.

This improved brain activity can have numerous benefits for patients who do not respond well to medication. It has been demonstrated in clinical trials to help relieve some of the symptoms of MDD, OCD, and anxious depression.

Does TMS Therapy Hurt?

Naturally, some people are concerned about how painful TMS sessions might be. Discomfort is an important factor in selecting the best treatment for these conditions. The discomfort associated with NeuroStar is mild; and many people find there are fewer side effects with TMS therapy than there are with medication used in treatment for major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or MDD with anxious depression.

TMS is generally well-tolerated by our patients. While some have experienced mild to moderate discomfort at or near the treatment site, this sensation is temporary. It typically does not last past the first week of treatment.

Who Should Not Use NeuroStar?

NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy is safe for use by most qualifying adult patients who have MDD, OCD, and MDD with anxious depression. There are still some people who should not get TMS treatments. TMS is not recommended for pregnant women. It is also not suitable for patients who have non-removable conductive metal or stimulator implants in or near their head, including deep brain stimulators, cochlear implants, and vagus nerve stimulators.

Schedule Your Appointment for NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy Today

NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy can help you address major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and major depressive disorder with anxious depression without medication, surgery, or significant pain. To learn more about TMS therapy, as well as if NeuroStar treatments hurt, schedule your consultation with our office today. If you have any questions about transcranial electromagnetic stimulation therapy, bring them to us. We would be delighted to help you achieve symptomatic relief from MDD, OCD, or MDD with anxious depression.

Do NeuroStar Treatments Hurt?